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Common Terms to Invest in Yourself

- a formal on-the-job training program, which may include classes, hands on skill building, and/or mentoring by a seasoned craftsperson

Asset - something of value, as in possession or quality

Career-oriented training - a short-term, job specific education program which can be completed in usually less than two years

Community college - a local, post-secondary school offering two-year associates degree programs, career-oriented training, and non-credit personal and professional development courses

Core skills - skills that are essential for today’s workplace, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, and math, as well as, using technology and locating resources

Entrepreneur - a person who takes on the responsibility of starting, managing, and financing a small business

Higher education - learning and training programs beyond high school, but most commonly referring to college education

Long-term goal - a goal that may take five years or longer to accomplish

Mid-term goal - a goal that may be accomplished in two to five years

On-the-job training - knowledge and skill development that occurs in the normal course of a job

Personal asset - a valuable characteristic, quality, or knowledge that a person has, such as education, skill, talent, personality trait, or connection

Professional development - learning and training opportunities designed to increase an employee’s knowledge and skills in their particular job, the company, or the industry in which they work

Short-term goal - a goal that may be accomplished in one year or less

SMART financial goal - a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Timely

Small business - a privately owned business with a small number of employees and/or annual sales that can be organized as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation depending on the type of business

Success - achievement of a goal, aim, or purpose

Volunteering - freelyproviding services (time, knowledge, effort, etc.), usually without being paid